Life Music Art Development Everything

Monday, May 24, 2004

Wow, slogging through another day. Seems like every time I get 1/2 way into closing defects somebody blows up, a server catches fire, or a plane crashes into my house. But there's always a silver lining, I had an awesome poop today.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

By the way if your compiling libgdiplus and its not finding cairo (assuming your building in /usr/local)...

cp /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/cairo.pc /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/cairo-0.1.17.pc

might help.

I love Java. Its important to start that this conversation that way. I'm also dedicated to developing in any language depending on what my end goal is. When mono was announced I downloaded it and played around with it and even wrote some code to fix a few CLI problems. But then I lost interest. So I decided to download the 1.0 beta and build it on my RedHat EL 3.0 box. (basically just downloaded the source and did a ./configure --with-nptl=yes). So far I've been impressed, I'd dare say that any gui apps I write on linux will probably be in .net running on mono. I've already knocked out a few .net apps using M$'s implementation. Where will all this go, dunno but right about now I'm wanting a spell checker in blogger. So maybe thats what I'll write a mono app to post to blogger. Cheers!

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

A post is a post of post of post unless that post is a blogging post and then of post that post is post a posty posty post.