Well its getting near Birthday season for the Molitor family so we're busy getting plans ready. In the technical world I'm working on a few new projects.
Linux Wireless support. Playing around with the madwifi drivers and their cobbled together WPA support led me to a few emails about the lack of newer encryption support in the Linux Wireless Extensions. Been a long time since I grocked kernel code. Oye!
Also working on what to do with the SWARC website (http://www.swarc.org) we had a little internal strife but that seems to have sorted itself out. Now its time for a long overdue update.
In Java land I've been looking at a better way to convert tiffs to jpegs. My current reference is JAI 1.1.1_01 code so looking at the newer JAI and JAI Image IO support in JDK 1.4.2+.