Life Music Art Development Everything

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Well its getting near Birthday season for the Molitor family so we're busy getting plans ready. In the technical world I'm working on a few new projects.

Linux Wireless support. Playing around with the madwifi drivers and their cobbled together WPA support led me to a few emails about the lack of newer encryption support in the Linux Wireless Extensions. Been a long time since I grocked kernel code. Oye!

Also working on what to do with the SWARC website ( we had a little internal strife but that seems to have sorted itself out. Now its time for a long overdue update.

In Java land I've been looking at a better way to convert tiffs to jpegs. My current reference is JAI 1.1.1_01 code so looking at the newer JAI and JAI Image IO support in JDK 1.4.2+.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Just went and saw Lewis Black in Dallas, TX. Was interesting watching the drunk rednecks scream back at the stage. Some people shouted when he made fun of Bush, others shouted when he made fun of Kerry. I really like him so I guess it makes me a cynical bastard.

In a land of fools I'm happy to work with the few smart people.